As a continent, Africa is home to so many different types of terrain. The area has mountains, deserts, plains, and more. As a result, the many African dog breeds are uniquely suited to the countries that they come from. Some dogs have no hair to stay cool in the hear. They are tan in color to blend into the surroundings. Some have long legs to hunt gazelles.

Many of the world’s oldest dogs come from Africa, with one breed believed to be from 7000 BC. Ancient versions of today’s modern dogs were even used by pharaohs in Egypt as companions and hunting dogs. That’s the big thing with breeds from African countries — they are pretty much all hunting dogs or guard dogs to keep owners safe from lions and hyenas, rid of rodents, and stocked with food from their hunts. This differs from say, Chinese dog breeds, which were often used as sleeve warmers or companions for royals versus working, hunting dogs.

Throughout history, the idea of domesticating a dog has always been associated with protection. Even in modern times, dogs are still in the upfront when it comes to guarding their owners against unwanted people and animals. However, there are specific breeds that are favored for the sole purpose of offering protection due to their unique characteristics. The best guard dogs bear a unique type of temperament and physical strength that is needed to ward off intruders.

A guard dog is a brilliant addition to any establishment. The presence of these dogs reduces any chances of any burglary activity. The best guard dogs require experts in dog training to help heighten their guarding skills. More so, when buying a guard dog for a home environment, homeowners have to train them for a smooth transitioning into their homes.

Which is the best guard dog? The question of who is the best guard dog in the world depends on the preference of the owner. However, dog experts consider the Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, and Doberman dogs as the best guard dogs in the world.

What is the best guard dog for a family? Dogs are considered man’s best companions due to their loving nature towards their owners. Do dogs really protect their owners? Yes, guard dogs are really protective of their owners. The guard dogs mentioned above are among the best guard dogs breeds in the world and particularly in Africa.