Warri Oil Refinery Development by Limult

The Warri refinery was established
in 1978 with a refining nameplate capacity of 100,000 barrels per stream day
plant and was debottlenecked to 125,000 barrels per stream day in 1987. The
refinery is located at Ekpan, Warri, Delta State, and it is operated by the
Warri Refining & Petrochemicals Company (WRPC) Limited, an NNPC subsidiary.
The refinery was installed as a complex conversion plant capable of producing
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), Dual Purpose
Kerosene (DPK), Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), and Fuel Oil from a blend of Escravos
and Ughelli crude oils’. WRPC has a petrochemical plant complex that produces
Polyproylene, and carbon black from the propylene-rich feedstock and decant oil
from the Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit (FCCU).

Apr. 30, 2000, Nigeria awarded
Italian company Comerint SPA a $7.6 million contract for turnaround maintenance
for its 125,000 b/d refinery at Warri, said a spokesman for Nigerian National
Petroleum Corp. The work was expected to be completed within 5 months. The
contract was part of a drive by NNPC to repair all its refineries, which have
been plagued for years by repeated and debilitating failures.

The plant has been out of service
due to an explosion in its crude distillation unit heater that caused major
damage to the main crude oil heater. Ten companies were shortlisted for the
Warri contract before Comerint won the bidding process. The most recent
maintenance work was in 1994.

Nigeria has three other refineries
60,000 b/d and 150,000 b/d plants at Port Harcourt in the
southeast and a 110,000 b/d plant at Kaduna, in the north. Turnaround
maintenance at Port Harcourt's 60,000 b/d refinery was completed in 1999, while
the 150,000 b/d plant was shut for similar work on May 15. It is being rehabilitated
by Nigerian firm Chrome.

The rehabilitation of the Kaduna
plant, started more than 2 years ago with an expected cost of $240 million, is
yet to be completed.

Nigeria plans to eventually
privatize the four plants, which provide only 40% of domestic refined products

Contact us at +2347052446249 for
more information on our refining industry development services or visit our
store at www.limult.com/shop to see more products that we make available for
the people.

Limult Yam Processing and Production Factory

yam Flour processing line

 Yam Flour is a good choice for gluten-free recipes. Use of this flour is known to create lighter, fluffier products as well. High in carbohydrates, the food also contains some fat and protein. A cholesterol-free ingredient, the flour also contains a small amount of sodium and sugar. Yam flour is powdered starch widely used in food preparation.

advantage of yam Flour   processing line
1. Good performance; high efficiency

2. Stainless steel construction

3. High level machining, equipment manufacturing excellence

4. Good supervision, commissioning and assistance

5. Low maintenance, simple operation

6. Pumps, motors, piping and instrumentation installed on the same integrated frame

7. Closed system, easy to clean and CIP

8. Fully communicate with the user to provide the best engineering design and facility layout

The description of yam flour processing line:

yam cleaning and peeling → yam grinding → screening and filtering → sifting → drying → Fine milling → High quality yam flour packing.  

yam flour production plant introduction : 

     To produce high qualtiy yamflour, The fresh roots must be healthy without rot and well handled from farm. The roots should be processed within 24 hours after harvesting.

    yam washing and peeling: Before peeling , the raw yam will be washed first to remove the sand , mud and other impurity.  Peeling is essential work for making high quality yam flour. After washing ,the yam will peeled by he yam peeling machine.

yam cleaning and peeling machine

Wet milling: The peeled yam will be transport into clean stainless steel yam milling machine to obtain uniformly smooth mash. The yam mash must be uniformly smooth without lumps. The smoothness of the mash determines the quality, yield and market value of the finished yam flour. 

Dewatering: For commerical automatic production, we use the press filter to press the yam mash for removing the water as much as possible.

Cake breaking : After press, the yam mash will be pressed to yam cake. The yam cake will be transport into milling machine for breaking into wet powder form.  

Drying and sieving: The special designed yam flour drying machine will dry the wet yam in few seconds. After drying ,the moisture level of yam flour can meet national regulatory standards. Then the yam flour will be sieved to separate the big particle flour.

yam flour drying machine

Milling: For getting high quality yam flour, the dry big particle casava flour will be mill again by fine flour mill .

Packaging : Pack desired quantities of yam flour in polythene bags, seal or stitch as appropriate. This avoids absorption of moisture of the flour from the environment. 

For more information about yam flour production plant, yam starch production plant, and all other yam processing machine below, please feel free to contact with us on +2347052446249. visit our store at www.limult.com/shop to see more products that we make available for the people.

Limult Sorghum Processing Factory

Sorghum Processing Technology

Processing of sorghum entails applying suitable grain, milling and malting procedures, which will not only maintain nutritional value, but also lead to minimal grain losses with improved marketability of the end products. The process goes through primary processing which involves cleaning, dehulling (decorticating), pounding and milling. Then comes the secondary processing, which involves turning material into food, i.e. cooking, blending, fermentation and roasting. Both traditional and industrial processing methods are employed, which may involve the partial or complete separation and/or modification of the three major constituents of the cereal grain, i.e. the germ, the starch-containing endosperm and the protective pericarp (or Testa). Industrial methods of processing sorghum though not well developed as that of other cereals have had significant impact on the food security of the country. Industrial processing is inmost cases, geared towards production of grit, malt, meal/flour and sometimes germ, with bran and germ-cake as by-product for feeding animals. Two main methods usually employed in sorghum processing are dry-milling and wet-milling.

Cleaning In traditional systems, grain cleaning is achieved by winnowing, while washing in water will remove most dust and stones. In mechanized systems, forced air (aspiration) is used to remove lighter materials, while most stones, dust and other material are removed as the grain passes over a series of screens. Ferrous metal are removed by a permanent magnet placed in the flow path of the grain.

Small Scale Dry milling of Sorghum The production of virtually all sorghum foods first comprise of two major operations: 1)Debranning (dehulling)- removal of the unpalatable, sometimes tannin-rich and highly pigmented bran and the rancidity causing fat-rich germ; 2) Size reduction (grinding)-converting the endosperm into meal or flour. Traditionally in Africa, sorghum milling has been done using a pestle and mortar for dehulling and saddle quern for grinding or size reducing the grain, methods still used in many African communities. Today, mechanized milling is becoming the norm, creating a milling industry and the opportunity for manufacture of more versatile sorghum food products to meet growing world food demands. Probably the most common method of mechanized sorghum milling in Africanis by abrasive debranning (also known as decortication or dehulling), followed by hammer milling of the endosperm material.

Feel free to visit our store at www.limult.com/shop to see more products that we make available for the people. For further inquiries, call us on +2347052446249.

Limult Cassava Processing Factory

Building, structure and condition of plant

  • The building to house cassava products may be constructed from concrete or bricks and should provide adequate protection against insects and rodents.
  • The building should contain a processing hall, an office, a changing room, toilet, ware- housing, and a free lobby.
  • For a medium-scale plant, the factory walls could be built to the window level and completed with expanded metal covered with wire mesh to cut down on costs.
  • Fixed surfaces of the infrastructure, such as washing troughs and steeping tanks, that come into contact with the processing materials, should have easy-to-clean internal surfaces and be inert to cassava products.
  • The surface of walls, partitions, and floors should be made of impervious materials with no toxic effect in intended use and have a smooth surface up to a height appropriate to the operation.
  • The floor should be constructed with concrete or terrazzo (if affordable), have adequate surface drainage and be easy to sweep and wash.
  • Ceilings and overhead fixtures should be constructed and finished to minimize the build up of dirt and condensation, and the shredding of particles
  • Windows should be easy to clean, and fitted with removable and cleanable insect-proof screens.
  • Doors should be smooth, non absorbent, and easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Adequate means of natural or mechanical ventilation should be provided to minimize airborne contamination, control ambient temperature, odors, and humidity.
  • Lighting fixtures should, where appropriate, be protected to ensure that food is not contaminated by breakages.
  • An adequate supply of potable water with appropriate facilities for its storage and distribution, should be available, whenever necessary, to ensure the safety and suitability of food.

Process control

Equipment must be designed to dry, fry, cool or store food to achieve the required food temperature as rapidly as necessary in the interests of food safety and suitability, and to maintain them effectively.

Equipment is designed to allow temperatures to be monitored and controlled. Where necessary, equipment should have effective means of controlling and monitoring humidity, airflow, and other characteristics likely to have a detrimental effect on the safety and suitability of food.

These requirements will ensure that:

  • Harmful (cyanide or butanoic acid) or undesirable micro-organisms or their toxins (mycotoxins), are eliminated or reduced to safe levels or their survival and growth are effectively controlled.
  • Where appropriate, critical limits established in plans based on Hazards Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) can be monitored.
  • Temperatures and other conditions necessary to food safety and suitability can be rapidly achieved and maintained.

Facilities for personnel and personal hygiene
Facilities should be available to ensure that an appropriate degree of personal hygiene can be maintained and to avoid contaminating food. Where appropriate, the facilities should include:

  • Adequate means of hygienically washing and drying hands, including wash basins, and a supply of hot and cold water.
  • Lavatories of an appropriate hygienic design.
  • Adequate changing facilities for personnel.

Such facilities should be suitably located and designated. Facilities for cleaning such as hoses should be provided for cleaning the washing trough, hydraulic press, hammer mill, dryer, steeping tanks, other equipment, and the floor. Taps should be installed at the tops of the washing trough and steeping tanks. Also outlets such as stoppers for easy draining at the top and base of each facility should be installed.

People who come directly or indirectly into contact with food will not be likely to contaminate food by:

  • Maintaining an appropriate degree of personal cleanliness.
  • Behaving and operating in an appropriate manner.
    Note: Workers who are ill, and especially if suffering from diarrhoea or skin infections, should not under any circumstances be allowed to handle food.

Visitors to the food manufacturing, processing, or handling areas should, where appropriate, wear protective clothing and follow the other personal hygiene provisions in this section.

A changing room should be provided for staff to change into factory coats.The use of factory coats will minimize the introduction of undesirable micro-organisms from soil and dust carried on the clothing of staff when they report to work.

Drainage and waste disposal

Adequate drainage and waste disposal systems and facilities should be provided. They should be designed and constructed to avoid any risk of contaminating food or the potable water supply.
Storage facilities

Adequate facilities should be provided for the storage of food, ingredients and non food chemicals (e.g, cleaning materials, lubricants, fuels).Where appropriate, food storage facilities should be designed and constructed to:

  • Permit adequate maintenance and cleaning.
  • Avoid pests and harbourage.
  • Enable food to be effectively protected from contamination during storage.

Where necessary, provide an environment which minimizes the deterioration of food (e.g. by temperature and humidity control).

Feel free to visit our store at www.limult.com/shop to see more products that we make available for the people. For further inquiries, call us on +2347052446249.